The Senior University Teaching Qualification (SUTQ) is a trajectory for lecturers in higher education, aiming to improve the fulfilment of their various senior teaching roles. In the SUTQ, the emphasis is on implementing your own education project, like working on innovating a course or part of a curriculum. You will also work on different roles connected to being a senior teacher, such as visionary, designer, mentor, reflector, connector and evaluator.
Target group and required prior knowledge
The SUTQ is intended for experienced teachers in higher education, who have already achieved the Basic University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) certificate. Within your school or institute, you must also be involved in teaching outside your own course. Participants in the SUTQ are characterised by their willingness to experiment in education. They are motivated and they want to develop skills that contribute to the high quality of education in the institution, also outside their own course.
After completing the SKO, you are able to:
- Act on the basis of a theoretically founded vision of education.
- Carry out an educational project in a structured way, for the benefit of the learning process of students.
- Evaluate the impact that the given education has on the learning process of students.
- Guide colleagues in the development/implementation of education.
Content and form
The 10 month programme consists of the following elements:
- Your own chosen education project, focusing on a strategic topic or actual development within your own School or within the university as a whole.
- Various workshops which focus on analysis, development, implementation and evaluation of said education project. Other workshops will address educational themes that are relevant for developing the various roles attributed to assistant professors.
- Participants form peer groups, that meet several times to help each other with the education project and to share experiences/cases from education.
- An inspiring study visit within the own university or to another educational institution or education-related project, aimed at expanding the vision on education and its potential.
- A university-wide poster market, to share the results and experiences of the education project.
- A digital portfolio, containing your personal reflection on your development in all the (pre defined) learning outcomes and critical behaviours. This portfolio also includes a report of the different steps taken in the education project, as well as the evaluation plan.
The SUTQ programme ends with a final interview with the lecturer, manager, an SUTQ group member and a Risbo trainer.
For EUR lecturers, the course costs are fully paid until December 2025 by the Community for Learning and Innovation (CLI). The CLI thus hopes to boost the quality and innovation of education. The faculty must approve the time investment in the SUTQ. The programme takes 10 months and requires a time investment of approximately 160 hours in total, including 80 contact hours, excluding the additional hours for executing the education project.
For lecturers outside EUR, participation costs are €6,800.
Apply for the SUTQ
For registration you can send an email to:
Course coordinators
- Sandra Lousberg
Educational consultant / trainer
Email address - Katja Tas
Educational consultant / trainer
Email address